Week of Jan 7th, 2018

Epiphany Party! Join us at the Wright's house to celebrate Epiphany January 7th at 4pm. We hope to see you there!

WOW Service will start back Wednesday, Jan 10th with a meal at 5:30 pm: Shrimp Bisque, bread, salad, and dessert. Cost is $4/adult, $2/child, with a maximum cost of $12/family. Please join us!

Wednesday, January 10th, at 5:30 pm, David Stotts, our Conference Treasurer, will join us for a meal and then be here to talk about Mission Shares.  If you love Mission Shares or dislike them, you don't want to miss this gathering! Make plans to come and enjoy the meal at 5:30 and
stay for the meeting.

There will be an informational meeting held on January 14th at 2:00 pm in the Upper Room. The aim of this meeting is the continued communications from our Trustees to our church family about our HVAC system in the large Sanctuary. Our office has spoken with our District Superintendent. The District Church Bldg. and Location Committee Chair, (Rev. George Buell) and the district Trustees Chair, (Dr. George Verrall) will both join us. It will be the aim of the Trustees
to show the complete plan (proposal, financial requirements…without borrowing) and share long-term trustee plans for our existing and aging buildings, as well as try to answer any questions. Please be in prayer for our church, our community, and each other and make plans to join us
Jan 14th, at 2:00 pm. in the Upper Room.