Week of April 16, 2017

He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

There will be no vespers this evening (4/16) and the church office is closed Monday April 17.

If you have info you'd like included in the May newsletter, please have it into the office by Tuesday April 18, 2017.

Thanks Hart and Whitney Pettit for hosting such a fun easter egg hunt. We all had a great time!!

On April 28th, there will be a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society; "Crawfish for a Cause". At $100 per couple, this will be a fun event supporting a great cause! For more info, contact Gerald or Jamie Welch at 985-209-3619.

A big thank you to everyone who helped with our church's largest outreach ministry, "The Passion Play". Everyone's help is greatly appreciated and we couldn't do it without each and every one of you. Thank you again for your enthusiastic participation!