Week of March 20, 2016

Passion Play set up continues today at 1:00pm and rehearsal begins at 2:00pm. All cast should be in attendance. Rehearsals will be Monday and Tuesday with dinner at 6:00pm. Followed by dress rehearsal (no makeup). The performances will be on the same schedule (dinner at 6:00pm, performance at 8:00pm). Everyone is welcome and needed! If you haven't found a spot to assist, please come and join us--there's plenty to be done!

No Vespers or WOW this month.

The Egg Hunt will be at Lynn Wiggers' house on Saturday March 26th at 10:00am. Youth should be there an hour prior to prepare for the children's arrival. Children should bring their own basket. Eggs will be provided, as well as snacks.

Don't forget to bring in your coin box for the Society of St. Andrews. These can be brought to the church office at any time.